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5 October 2020 - 6 October 2020
Photonics4Agrifood: Virtual Workshop & Brokerage Event

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Virtual Workshop & Brokerage Event

AEIT-CORIFI, in collaboration with Regione Lombardia, Finlombarda S.p.A., Confindustria Lombardia, CNR-ISMN, CNR-IFN and SIMPLER-Enterprise Europe Network, organises Photonics4Agrifood – Virtual Workshop & Brokerage Event.

The event, planned in the framework of the European Project H2020 NextPho21, is the opportunity for meetings between the photonic technologies suppliers and the possible end-users in the agrifood sector, with the participation of institutional and territorial actors and funding bodies.

Photonics companies - typically SMEs and Start-ups – will have the chance to strengthen themselves in the value chain, and at the same time to show end-user companies the potential offered by photonics technologies.

Photonics4Agrifood is
addressed to:

  • Photonics manufacturers
  • Companies, experts and operators of the agrifood sector
  • Clusters, DIH and competence centers
  • Investors and funding bodies
  • University and research centers

The participants will have the possibility to:

  • discuss the innovation opportunities for the Agrifood sector made possible by the use of photonic technologies
  • establish and strengthen synergies and collaborations between producers and end users of photonic technologies in the sector
  • identify partners at regional, national and European level and complete the value chain
  • promote investment opportunities for photonics

Photonics4Agrifood includes the following sessio

5th October 2020


Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Workshop

Further details in: Workshop agenda

  • Opening remarks
  • Photonics: leveraging innovation in agrifood
  • Round Table – The agrifood value chain: which role for photonics


Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Brokerage event

Further details in: B2B Meetings

B2B Meetings

6th October 2020


Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Brokerage event

Further details in:
B2B Meetings

B2B Meetings

Photonics4Agrifood is open to the participation of all interested parties.

Participation in the Workshop and Brokerage Event is free of charge upon registration.

Closed since 4 October 2020
Organised by
Participants 77
Meetings 73
Italy 40
Finland 8
Greece 6
France 6
Spain 5
United Kingdom 3
Belgium 3
Portugal 3
Netherlands 3
Germany 2
Romania 2
Lithuania 1
Norway 1
Poland 1
Denmark 1
Israel 1
Total 86
R&D Institution 23
Company / SME 19
University 13
Start-up 10
Cluster, DIH, Competence Center 8
Company / Industry 6
Other 3
Authority/Government 2
Association/Agency 1
Investor 1
Total 86
Profile views
Before event 2210
After event 268
Total 2478