Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Workshop
The official language is Italian, the simultaneous English translation will be available.
Only participants who join at least one B2B Meetings session are visible in the section "Participants" of the website.
9:30-9:50 |
Opening remarks Regione Lombardia, Confindustria Lombardia, Finlombarda - EEN Moderator: Roberta Ramponi, (CORIFI-AEIT, Photonics21 Executive Board, CNR-IFN) |
9:50-10:05 | Feeding the world – Photonics21, the vision towards Horizon Europe |
Photonics: leveraging innovation in agrifood Chair: Roberta Ramponi |
10:05–11:15 |
10:05 – 10:35 Success stories: the end-user view Paolo Bulgarelli,
Parmalat - "Parmalat and ICT innovation: food safety, milk quality and animal welfare in EU H2020 Filippos Papadopoulos American Farm School, Salonicco (Greece) “The appeal of photonics to importers and retailers of fresh fruit: showcasing the technology through demonstration farms of the High Tech Farming Thematic Platform” 10:35 – 11:05 Success Stories: the photonics technology providers Massimo Fedel, FT-System & CNR Bruno Garavelli, XNEXT s.r.l. Mauro Contrafatto, 3D TARGET 11:05 – 11:15 Introduction to the Matchmaking session, Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) |
11:15 -12:30 Round table (Moderator: F. Pedrocchi, Radio24) The agrifood value chain: which role for photonics |
11:15-12:30 |
Conclusions |
The workshop will be online through the Zoom platform.
To participate you must register in the event website by selecting the workshop session. After your login, you will be able to join the workshop using the Zoom link that you will find in the agenda.
In order to benefit from all the features of Zoom we recommend to dowload the latest version of the Zoom application on your device (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone).
The simultaneous translation service will be available only by connecting through the
Zoom application (version 5.2.1 or higher).
To use the simultaneous translation service, you must select the language in which you want to hear the workshop and silence the original audio (select "silenziare audio originale") from the world map symbol that you will find at the bottom center of the screen.

If you will join the workshop by accessing Zoom via browser, we remind you that you must use an updated browser and the simultaneous translation option will not be available.