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5 October 2020 - 6 October 2020
Photonics4Agrifood: Virtual Workshop & Brokerage Event

The European Project “NextPho21 - Developing and implementing the Next European Photonics21 industrial PPP Strategy” – (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/779664), is funded by the Programme H2020-EU.2.1.1. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

NextPho21 provides decisive support to the European Photonics21 Public Private Partnership (PPP) https://www.photonics21.org/ for developing  and implementing a European industrial strategy for photonics in the upcoming 10 years. The photonics PPP strategic research agenda focusses on future market opportunities arising from the megatrends like digitisation, urbanisation, smart anything everywhere which disrupt business models and whole industries. Through developing such joint strategy, the European photonics industry will be in the pole position to become a key driver of the European social and economic growth.

Within NextPho21 activities, End-User Workshops devoted to specific industrial sectors are organised by the project partners to promote photonics as a key enabling technology for innovation; these events are local expressions of regions that have indicated the industrial sector of reference among those of their specialization strategy S3.

Closed since 4 October 2020
Organised by
Participants 77
Meetings 73
Italy 40
Finland 8
Greece 6
France 6
Spain 5
United Kingdom 3
Belgium 3
Portugal 3
Netherlands 3
Germany 2
Romania 2
Lithuania 1
Norway 1
Poland 1
Denmark 1
Israel 1
Total 86
R&D Institution 23
Company / SME 19
University 13
Start-up 10
Cluster, DIH, Competence Center 8
Company / Industry 6
Other 3
Authority/Government 2
Association/Agency 1
Investor 1
Total 86
Profile views
Before event 2210
After event 268
Total 2478